What a success our first meeting was! All who came had a ton of fun touring the small museum, playing the competitive trivia, creating unique pottery, and munching on treats! The whole activity was very enriching. All came away with a greater appreciation for the art of pottery and the skill required.
Our next event is already scheduled for this Saturday afternoon- a picnic in the park! Keep checking back for details and invite your friends! The more the merrier =)
PS. Happy St. Patrick's Day!
That was fun.
I know movies aren't usually considered "finer things," but I think it may be worth seeing Mostly Martha at the International Cinema the week of April 1-5. It's kinda chick-flicky, but I really liked No Reservations (which was an English copy of Mostly Martha).
What say ye?
(It even has Martha's name in it! How could we go wrong?)
yes! haha agreed. i was actually thinking that same thing. anyone else?
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