In response to Adam's call to be more virtuous, we have created this blog (and the club) for those of us who have been inspired to throw the shackles of ignorance and mediocrity off and put on the yoke of seeking "anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy" because "we believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men." As Adam pointed out this scripture:
45 Let thy bowels also be full of charity towards all men, and to the household of faith, and let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly; then shall thy confidence wax strong in the presence of God; and the doctrine of the priesthood shall distil upon thy soul as the dews from heaven.
This blog is a medium for which all of us can easily share the finer things in life with each other, things that are to conducive to garnishing our thoughts unceasingly. Things such as music, art, literature, philosophy or enlightening knowledge of any sort. We want this to remain dignified, and of a more serious reflective nature to help us grow secularly and spiritually.
As you may know, one of my most beloved tv shows, The Office, has a finer things club as well, and here are there suggestions:
"In the Finer Things Club, you meet once a month to discuss books and art and celebrate culture in a very civilized way. The debate can sometimes be heated but is always respectful. No plastic, no paper, and no work talk is allowed.
Create your own Finer Things Club by first selecting a book or piece of art. Then decide what you'll be eating and wearing during your discussion." (http://www.nbc.com/The_Office/justforfun/finerthingsclub/)
As Kendra mentioned in the facebook message, this is the place you will find the latest updates on when and where we will be meeting for some culturally uplifting activities. So keep coming back for updates! Also, because of our crazy scheduled college lives, we decided that a blog will be most convenient for most of our discussion, but I really think the most benefit will come from our outings. If you need help blogging, call Martha (number is in the updated ward directory). It's really easy once you get the hang of it. Pictures, songs and videos can be uploaded, and make the blog a lot more appealing. If you already have a blog and want to share something already posted, you can create a hyperlink or just copy and paste. :)
Kendra and I are really excited and hope that you are too. Let the blogging begin!
Thanks for the shout-out, I am deeply flattered!
adam, i think you should openly share your blog. just a thought. 0:) -martha
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